Disclaimer: I received earlier today an email, in Hebrew, from Yesh Atid – https://www.yeshatid.org.il/
It is no secret that I am a support of Yesh Atid, and will once again – fourth time in two years - vote for the party, as I have in every election since its establishment, nine years ago.
I felt that the message that Yesh Atid delivered regarding their achievements – see below – would be of immense interest to many readers outside of Israel, who closely follow events here in Israel.
Using the Google and Bing (Microsoft) translation programs, I have reproduced the email below.
Other than correcting (English) grammar, I have made no changes/alterations to the original Hebrew text. Any grammar mistakes are mine alone, and I hold my hands up and accept full responsibility for them.
For reference see: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=472483403910371
Yesh Atid can be contacted at contact@yeshatid.org.il
My translation of the Yesh Atid text starts:
Nine years in politics is quite a journey, in which we have, so far, achieved many objectives.
In nine years in politics, you learn how to pass laws that change reality. How to right an injustice. You learn to take responsibility and you learn to work with everyone to become a real governing alternative.
Here are 100 selected things we, Yesh Atid did for you, the citizens of Israel:
1. Reducing the number of ministers in the government to 18 to create an efficient and cost-effective government - Netanyahu canceled the initiative.
2. Cancellation of the "Minister without Portfolio" post - Netanyahu canceled the initiative.
3. The introduction of mathematics and English studies into the ultra-Orthodox education system - Netanyahu canceled the initiative.
4. The Equality in Burden Law - Netanyahu canceled the initiative.
5. Strengthening the public health system - an additional budget of approximately one billion shekels.
6. Expansion of the health basket - an addition of NIS 300 million.
7. Passing a Government Surrogacy Law on First Reading.
8. Extension of the eligibility period for securing income for senior citizens.
9. Sick pay to a citizen due to absence to care for a sick parent.
10. We passed the Foster Care Act which enshrines the rights and obligations of families and children in the framework of foster care.
11. Additional grants for interns in the periphery and distressed professions - amounting to NIS 75 million.
12. Reinforcement of night centers in the periphery and strengthening of medical services.
13. Approval and implementation of the National Suicide Prevention Program.
14. Approval of the water regulations to ensure the quality of drinking water and the abolition of the fluoridation obligation.
15. NIS 20 million to improve safety railings to protect two-wheeler riders.
16. Integration of Ethiopians in nursing studies throughout the country.
17. Adding standards for immigrant doctors.
18. Establishment of 5,000 housing units for dormitories for students nationwide.
19. Changing the criteria for affordable housing - Netanyahu canceled the initiative.
20. Sale of public housing apartments to their tenants.
21. Evacuation of IDF camps in favor of construction in areas of demand.
22. Incentives for mayors to build apartments designed for young couples.
23. Roof agreements for the construction of new neighborhoods in areas of demand.
24. Establishment of a government company "Apartment for Rent" for affordable housing for young couples.
25. Establishment of a national plan "Path to an Apartment" for the removal of traffic barriers in new neighborhoods.
26. Approval of the Centralization Law for the Dismantling of the Pyramids of Control of the Economy.
27. Running an educational program "Israel is moving up a grade" to introduce technological innovation into the education system.
28. We initiated and operated schools to ensure a greater scope of the curriculum.
29. The passage of a law to offset the salaries of terrorists.
30. Reducing social disparities in the education system - an additional NIS 1 billion (150,000 school hours).
31. Prevention of double insurance payments from students who enroll in sports classes - savings of hundreds of shekels per year for each child in each class.
32. Reinforcement of assistants in kindergartens - reinforcement of an additional 1,200 assistants.
33. Continued expansion of the textbook lending project - with an investment of NIS 35 million.
34. We provided an additional grant of NIS 500 for discharged soldiers.
35. Reducing costs for parents for textbooks using digital books.
36. Doubling the scholarship fund for needy students.
37. Significant increase in the budgets of youth organizations - as part of an overall concept according to which youth organizations constitute a significant part of the voluntary and value-based work in society.
38. Budgeting children with special needs aged 3-4 who study as part of free education in municipal kindergartens.
39. Repeal of the Nahari Law - Netanyahu reinstated the Law.
40. Funding for special education children on a trip to Poland.
41. Strengthening the study of pluralistic Judaism in public education - budgeting for Jewish renewal organizations such as secular and pluralistic seminaries intended for the study of Judaism, Jewish identity, and Hebrew culture.
42. Budget increase for higher education to increase academic excellence and encourage research - about half a billion shekels.
43. Special education students received an additional 5 hours per week.
44. Expanding the implementation of the Dorner report's conclusions for the integration of children with disabilities, from 78 children to 630 children.
45. Expanding the scope of work of medical assistants in the framework of summer camps held on behalf of local authorities as well as in camps supervised by the Ministry of Education.
46. Establishment of an ultra-Orthodox state district in the education system.
47. Training of teachers for LIBA studies in the ultra-Orthodox sector.
48. Strengthening the youth villages - renovation of about 130 boarding school buildings in 42 youth villages for 6,000 boarding school students and youth villages.
49. For the first time, we have created a unified list of Holocaust survivors in Israel for the benefit of exercising their rights.
50. Free medicine from the medicine basket for all Holocaust survivors.
51. Comparison of conditions for victims of Nazi rule who immigrated (to Israel) after 1953.
52. A minimum allowance of NIS 2,200 per month for every Holocaust survivor who receives a monthly allowance.
53. An annual grant of NIS 2,000 for Holocaust survivors who meet the definition of a needy consumer.
54. Payment of purchase tax refund to Holocaust survivors uniformly and without the need to submit forms.
55. Circulation of disability percentages, for Holocaust survivors who are entitled under the Nazi Persecution Law.
56. Assistance to the spouses of deceased Holocaust survivors.
57. Change in the income test for receiving a Social Security nursing allowance.
58. Increasing the scope of welfare services for Holocaust survivors in the day centers of the Ministry of Welfare.
59. Increasing the state's participation in the "Exclusion" project, which arranges home visits to Holocaust survivors.
60. A food security plan was launched and its budget was doubled.
61. Expanding the circle of those entitled to the special services allowance - we allocated NIS 110 million.
62. We raised the allowances for the hard of hearing.
63. Linking interpreters to social workers.
64. Assistance to those leaving the ultra-Orthodox world.
65. The program to combat child prostitution - NIS 6.5 million was dedicated to rehabilitation programs.
66. Reform in the system of supervision of welfare institutions.
67. Cancellation of debt collection to the Social Security of a deceased member of his family.
68. Increasing new benefits for the mentally handicapped and the disabled.
69. Grant of participation in welfare services for local authorities in localities of socio-economic clusters 1-4 in the south of the country, at a cost of NIS 60 million.
70. An allowance supplement of more than NIS 1,000 per month for parents of 5,000 foster children.
71. Confirmation of cancellation of the consolidated tax calculation for married couples working in the same business.
72. Approval of the Cash VAT Act.
73. Doubling the state-guaranteed loan fund for small businesses.
74. Increasing the participation of small and medium-sized businesses in government tenders.
75. We have increased access to information and transparency in tenders.
76. Promotion of research and research scholarships in priority areas - amounting to approximately NIS 100 million.
77. Support for the establishment and operation of four (4) knowledge centers and the purchase of scientific equipment.
78. Establishment of an Engineering and Applied Research fund.
79. Strengthening the activities of the Israeli scientific community in six (6) international scientific organizations.
80. The reform of the chief scientist authority and the establishment of a national authority for technological innovation.
81. The incentive for adequate representation for women in local authority lists.
82. Reservation of women's seats on the Judicial Appointments Committee - Reservation of four seats for women out of nine members.
83. Reservation of the place of women in the committee for the selection of judges.
84. Introducing an adaptation grant for battered women leaving shelters.
85. Granting a maternity allowance to a man whose wife is unable to care for the child.
86. The Video Law.
87. Giving credit points to parents who are same-sex couples for their children.
88. Increasing budget support for IGI (Proud Youth Organization) by 140%.
89. Fight against Black Capital - a series of laws to close tax loopholes.
90. Passing an amendment to the Women's Labor Law that prevents the dismissal of women staying in a shelter for battered women.
91. NIS 20 million for the improvement of safety rails for two-wheelers.
92. Cancellation of the TV fee.
93. Establishment of emergency rooms in the Eilat and Sharon area.
94. Adding 15 positions to the list of opportunities that will be open to women in the IDF service.
95. Corona grant to the spice industry in the amount of NIS 30 million.
96. Protection of Barzilai Hospital - an additional NIS 30 million.
97. A law that requires the military to purchase its uniform in Israel (when the gap does not exceed 15%).
98. Recognition by the National Insurance Institute of coaches as employees to receive unemployment benefits.
99. NIS 100 million for the budget for the program to combat violence against women.
100. Removal of political appointments from government companies - the establishment of a team of professional directors.
End of Text