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Journal Entry – 07/04/2021

It’s a dark day for Israel when a prime minister under indictment is nominated yet again to form a government.

It’s a dark day for Israel when a racist party is sworn in as Knesset members.

It’s a dark day for Israel when the likes of Tweedledum and Tweedledee and when the likes of the ‘triumvirate of evil’ forget, maybe conveniently, that the State of Israel was established as a home land for ALL Jews. Jews who have leftwing, as well as rightwing listing, Jews: both men and women, Jews, be they straight or LGBTQ, be they married, single, divorced, living in a civil partnership or same-sex relationship, be they Reform, Liberal, Conservative, Orthodox or Ultra-orthodox or any other flavor of Judaism, they/we are ALL Jews.

And the sooner those moronic little men who yesterday took an oath of office to uphold the democratic values of the State of Israel grasp that fact, the sooner we can move forward and repair and strength the country. If we don’t the result will be anarchy and I fear bloodshed. Piers Morgan rightly states – see below – “This cancel culture, it's a real thing. This woke mob want to cancel people who do not follow the narrative, and it's got increasingly dangerous,”

'Wokeism is the new fascism' Piers Morgan says democracy is under threat from 'cancel culture' unless society stands up to the 'illiberal mob' and defends the right to free speech

'If we lose the right to have an opinion, the right to respect other opinions, then ultimately democracy dies. It's the bedrock of democracy,' Morgan told Tucker Carlson on the Fox News host's new online series for Fox Nation

'You then become something different, you become a totalitarian state run by an illiberal mob, who are the new fascists. Is that what anybody wants? Do liberals want that? I don't want that, I'm a liberal,' added Morgan.

'This cancel culture, it's a real thing. This woke mob want to cancel people who do not follow the narrative, and it's got increasingly dangerous,' he said.

Britain is already reeling from Wokeism. Just look at this recent story: “Your right to think and act freely is CANCELLED: A newsreader forced out for quoting Shakespeare, and a top author ostracised for standing up for women... but that was just the prologue to a new age of thought censorship”

“We need to check your thinking. These chilling words are taken not from a dystopian novel or some totalitarian regime, but were rather those of a British police officer speaking to businessman Harry Miller.

Andrew Doyle’s article is MUST read. With the likes of Tweedledum and Tweedledee and the ‘triumvirate of evil’, Israel is rapidly moving to its version of Wokeism.

And to secure and retain power, Bibi and his poodles don’t give flying monkeys.

Reading the reviews of “Friendly Fire” I wonder what is currently going through the mind of Ami Ayalon. The former head of Shin Bet came to realize all-out war against terrorists only deepened an existential mire


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